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Board of Trustees


The School Board is the highest governing body in the Elizabeth Seton School management structure. The primary responsibility of the board of directors is to protect the shareholders' assets, promote the continued improvement and development of the school its facilities and investments, plan for future directions ensuring its continued alignment with its vision and mission, as well as, create directives for its continued financial stability.


The board of director’s role is to oversee share repurchase programs, decide on major structural investments, approve the company's financial statements, and recommend or discourage acquisitions and mergers.


As a family corporation, the Board of the Elizabeth Seton School also endeavors to promote the extension of its familial values to its community and strive to enhance the value of education through excellent leadership and quality service. To keep professionalism in the Board, representatives from different industries are also given term memberships to give perspective on issues of their specialization that can help address the current and future needs of the school.


The current composition of the Board is seven (7) members of which one is represented by an educational expert.


The members of the Board hold quarterly meetings during the months of: June, September, December and March wherein they discuss structural plans, property acquisition, budgeting requirements, development programs and other issues pertaining to the future plans of the school.



Academic Council


Headed by the Academic Director, the Academic Council composed of the Academic Heads of the following units:



                Grade School

                High School

                Academic – South


represent the core existence of the Elizabeth Seton School. These individuals shape the academic direction of the institution, create programs which enhance learning and promote the continued academic competitiveness of the Elizabeth Seton School. 



Management Team


The school’s Management Team is composed of all the academic and non-academic heads from both the Las Piñas and Cavite campus handling daily operations. The coming together of the two campuses during such meeting aims to align practices and standards within the Elizabeth Seton School system.


As practiced, the team holds quarterly meetings to discuss unit concerns, concluded programs and possible problems encountered, up coming programs and recommendations for unit improvements. Decision on matters involving unit practices, acquisition of basic equipment, improvement of services and the like are made within this level to ensure speedy resolution of issues on operations.




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