The school shall provide for the optimal development of its teaching and non-teaching personnel to ensure continued competitiveness and to meet the necessary competencies required by their profession. In doing so, the school has committed to support the following programs that aim to sustain faculty development and improvement:


Advanced Studies


The pursuance of advanced studies of the school’s teaching faculty is perceived as one of the school’s biggest priority. To encourage those inclined to take this feat, monetary incentives are issued to employees at the end of each school year for completed units starting at 15 units till its completion.


Time adjustments and/or exemptions to meet Masteral requirements are also extended to concerned employees when feasible and if such do not conflict with the role of the faculty.


In-Service Training


                Before the start of each school year, the Academic body in cooperation with the Human Resource Development Unit creates a unique program for two to three weeks that addresses academic competency enhancements, learning gaps, as well as, other productivity enhancing seminars and programs that aims to equip teachers with the necessary skills and information for the incoming school year.



 Supervisory Preparedness


To enable the academic body to ensure the readiness and capability of selected supervisors to effectively perform their functions, the Human Resource Development guided by the school’s Academic Director, formulates a well-designed Supervisory Training Program geared to enhance their skills in leading, motivating and supervising based on their levels of supervisory background.


Training activities and topics may vary per school year depending on the availability of speakers and proposed course outline.


The Orientation for newly appointed supervisors is scheduled in April or at least before the work resumption of faculty employees, while other supplementary supervisory seminars are scheduled within the in-service training schedule of the teachers in May in preparation for the opening of the school year.


Participation in external seminars is also encouraged by the school depending on the endorsement of the unit head concerned.



Attendance to Seminars 


                The expansion of the information and knowledge base of employees is critical in a school environment. In recognition of this, members of the ESS community aside from pursuance of advanced studies are highly encouraged and supported by the administration to attend external seminars outside of the school.  



Technology Literacy


                The emergence of the computer generation has not only affected the speed and access of information but has influenced significant changes in how information technology is used in business and education. Despite the fact that computer education is a basic course in all tertiary and vocational courses, it has been observed overtime that some newly graduated teachers are less-skilled in manipulating the necessary programs used for grade encoding, paperless communication, “netics” and those used for class presentations. To address this, newly hired employees of the school unable to pass a basic computer exam upon hiring are asked to attend an enhancement training course on computer use before the start of the school year.


                The program is geared towards the familiarization and basic skill development of employees to help them in manipulating the school computer systems.

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